1. Place an order.
2. Download the PDF file from the order page.
3. Open the PDF file, and click on the Download link.
4. On the Google Drive page, enter your order number in the message area.
5. Click on "Request Access"
6. We will manually accept your invitation after a few minutes.
7. Explore thousands of files uploaded.
8. Enjoy.
AnyStl offers you permanent access to our Google Drive shared folder with premium models for 3D printers to download the one you like the most or all of them!
Not only you'll have access to all the files, but we also offer you the regular update service, where you will receive notifications of new models added and modifications within the folder.
They are fully organized in folders, so that it is easily accessible, with photos to preview the model.
Our service is ideal if you want to undertake any project related to your printer and keep up to date with printing trends.

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