Do it Yourself. Do it Better. 3D Print it!

About us

In 2024
, AnySTL has been a professional and reliable platform where customers can purchase STL files since it was established in 2010. By far, we have more than 14 years of experience and can pass that on to our customers. A wide variety of Packs in the area of 3D Printing can be found in our AnySTL online platform.

Back in 2010, we started on eBay as a hobby, we spotted there was a gap in the market to bring digital products directly to consumers, cutting out the middleman and warehouse costs. In the past 14 years, we have obtained countless customers’ patronage. This inspiring result is due to our customer friendlessness, the quickness of our business processes, and our convenient pricing.

Back in 2012, Evolved into one of the top sellers of digital products on eBay allowing us to bring our customers the best prices on the market. We also recognized how important support is to our customers, this has been ingrained into the company philosophy.

AnySTL â€“ Your faithful partner in the world of 3D Printing. You will be delighted by our quick delivery, our wide range of models, and our great service.